Is CJ (Commission Junction) Reliable ?
We applied for a CJ – Commission Junction member long time ago, but until now, we have not been enjoy it, we even feel is some weird. We really want to ask other CJ member: Do you really think is reliable ?
Why we ask above question is NOT ONLY because we never gotten reasonable commission (actually in passed years, we got 0.2x USD commission, the number is displayed in our account and never changed.), but also we really doubt their system might has serious technical problem, if it is not about technical issue, then it might be about their reliability.
We searched on the internet, there were some other people complaint CJ's reliability. But seems it happened couple of years ago. so we are really confused by what we have met: It is 2016 now and seems is a mature company, why we still met many serious problem ?
Why we doubted might have technical issue or reliability problem ?
We give 3 real issues which we met in this year. We actually had other issues in past years, but we only collect issues happened in this year.
Issue 1: We could NOT change user password.
We mentioned we were be a member long time ago, since we seldom used it, so our account was in inactive status, we requested re-activate it and we got a new user password in this year, However, we found we could not change the password, until we submitted a ticket to, a customer supporter replied us and mentioned seems we missed some information, but he/she did not give an exact information which mentioned what information we missed, and, actually we found we did not miss any important or basic information which their system requested. And after that, our account recovered and could changed password;
Issue 2: Part of advertiser's links could not show to us with just an empty list page, However, the total list count number displayed.
This issue only happened on some new joined advertisers in this year.